
Mo Abdallah
Assistant Teaching Professor
Riyad S. Aboutaha
Associate Professor
Nicole Adkins
Assistant to Director, Records and Study Abroad
Jeongmin Ahn
Ben Akih-Kumgeh
Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Alaa Alawaad
Computer Consultant
Sharon Alestalo
Program Director, WISE
Sahar Almahmoud
Graduate Programs Coordinator
Jackie Anderson
Associate Teaching Professor, Engineering Management Graduate Program Director, SU-Industrial Assessment Center Director
Michelle Anson-Silverstein
Computer Consultant
Chris Barbera
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Marjory Baruch
Part Time Associate Professor
Hind BenGabr
Academic Operations Specialist
Shelby Bergen
Career Advisor
Gabriela Bermudez
Student Success Advisor
Michael Blatchley
Assistant Professor
Michelle M. Blum
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Teaching Professor
Dean’s Faculty Fellow for Assessment
Ed Bogucz
Associate Professor
Jesse Q. Bond
Mezger Endowed Professor
Chemical Engineering Graduate Program Director
Thomas E. Braga
Senior Experimental Machinist
Tim Breen
Workshop and Project Manager
Cynthia M. Bromka-Skafidas
Administrative Assistant
Mary Beth Browning Monroe
Associate Professor
Katie Cadwell
Teaching Professor and Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Yue Cao
Assistant Teaching Professor
Tianna Carrington
Graduate Admissions Specialist
Heather Carroll
Assistant Director Alumni & Donor Engagement
Elizabeth Carter
Assistant Professor
David Chandler
Associate Professor
C.Y. Roger Chen
Ruth Chen
Professor of Practice
Biao Chen
John E. and Patricia A. Breyer Professor in Electrical Engineering
Shiu-Kai Chin
Research Professor
Nicholas Clarke
Associate Director for Graduate Student Recruitment and Administration
Megan Claxton
Budget Manager
Sam Clemence
Meredith Professor Emeritus
Sarah Collins
Director of Academic Operations
Andria Costello Staniec
Department Chair CEE,
Associate Professor,
Civil Engineering Graduate Program Director
Don Crampton
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Viktor J. Cybulskis
Assistant Professor
John F. Dannenhoffer III
Associate Professor
Cliff I. Davidson
Thomas and Colleen Wilmot Professor of Engineering, Emeritus
Gabriel Silva De Oliveira
Assistant Teaching Professor
Alexander Deyhim
Kenneth and Mary Ann Shaw Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Rick DiRubbo
Director of Online Learning
Karen Dixon-Cherebin
Academic Support Coordinator, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Bing Dong
Charles T. Driscoll
University Professor of Environmental Systems and Distinguished Professor, National Academy of Engineering Member
Victor Duenas
Assistant Professor
Alex Dunbar
Communications and Marketing Manager
Sara Eftekharnejad
Associate Professor
Ehat Ercanli
Associate Teaching Professor
Matthew Erdman
Assistant Teaching Professor
Makan Fardad
Associate Professor
Jennifer Fazio
Assistant Director for Employer Relations and Career Services
Yoanna Ferrara
Director for Research Development
Eric Finkelstein
Technical Director, BioInspired Institute Materials Research Core
Abby Fite
Director of Inclusive Excellence
Heather Flaherty
Administrative Assistant to Charles T. Driscoll
Amelia Forbes
Administrative Assistant
Chelsey Franza
Career Advisor
Mia Funderburg
Student Success Advisor
Zhenyu Gan
Assistant Professor
Venkata S.S. Gandikota
Assistant Professor
Natarajan Gautam
Nadeem Ghani
Assistant Teaching Professor
Prasanta K. Ghosh
Jennifer W. Graham
Associate Teaching Professor
Amy Gullotta
Senior Director of Development
M. Cenk Gursoy
Matthew Hanley
Information Technology Analyst
Moamer (Mo) Hasanovic
Assistant Teaching Professor
Julie M. Hasenwinkel
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence
Department Chair BMCE
James (Jay) Henderson
Professor, BioInspired Institute Director
Summer Hoban
Office Coordinator, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Endadul Hoque
Assistant Professor
Ian D. Hosein
Associate Professor
Jonathan Hoster
Associate Director for Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
Kara Hughes
Operations Specialist, Bioinspired Institute
Britton Inglehart
Graduate & Global Career Advisor
Can Isik
Era Jain
Assistant Professor
Pankaj K. Jha
Assistant Professor
Chris E. Johnson
Alex K. Jones
Klaus Schroder Endowed Professor for Engineering, Chair of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Kathleen M. Joyce
Assistant Dean for Student Recruitment
Michaela Karcher
Recruitment Specialist
Sue Karlik
Assistant to Director of Space Management and Strategic Initiatives Bruce Molino and Associate Dean Michelle M. Blum
Garrett Ethan Katz
Assistant Professor
Sean K. Kelly
Digital Media and Web Specialist
Lance S. Ketcham
Practitioner in Residence
Bryan S. Kim
Assistant Professor
Shawn L. Knight
Assistant to the Department Chair
Mary Margaret Koppers
Lab Assistant
Rodrick Kuate Defo
Assistant Professor
Saman Priyantha Kumarawadu
Associate Teaching Professor
Lihong Lao
Assistant Professor
Taylor Larsen
Student Success Advisor
Kasey Laurent
Assistant Professor
Andrew C. Lee
Assistant Teaching Professor
Andra Lee
Assistant Dean of Advancement & External Affairs
Weisi Liu
Budget Manager
Min Liu
Director, Syracuse University Infrastructure Institute Abdallah H. Yabroudi Endowed Professor in Sustainable Civil Infrastructure
Yizhi Liu
Assistant Professor
Xiyuan Liu
Associate Teaching Professor
Dean’s Faculty Fellow for Academic Affairs
Linda Lowe
Budget Manager
Eric M. Lui
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence
Aoyi Luo
Assistant Professor
Zhen Ma
Associate Professor, Samuel and Carol Nappi Research Scholar
Sinéad C. Mac Namara
Associate Professor
Sarah Mack
Director of Student Success Advising
Paul Mackanos
Academic Operations Specialist
Kwami Maranga
Maria Marceau
Director, Records and Study Abroad
Duane L. Marcy
Associate Teaching Professor
Shalabh C. Maroo
MAE Graduate Program Director
Karen Martinez Soto
Assistant Teaching Professor
Joao Paulo Marum
Assistant Teaching Professor
Jean-Daniel Medjo Me Biomo
Assistant Teaching Professor
Kristopher Micinski
Assistant Professor
Aaron Mohammed
Assistant Professor
Chilukuri K. Mohan
Bruce Molino
Director of Space Management and Strategic Initiatives
Mario Montesdeoca
Laboratory Manager
Young B. Moon
William J. Smith Professor in Manufacturing Enterprises
Department Chair MAE
Mary Murphy
Director of Budget, Administration, and Business Analytics
Shikha Nangia
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program Director
Dawit Negussey
Professor and Graduate Dean’s Faculty Fellow for Diversity and Inclusion
Rebecca Noble
Office Coordinator
Jae C. Oh
David G. Edelstein Professor for Broadening Participation,
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Academic Initiatives
Susan Older
Associate Professor,
Computer Science Undergraduate Program Director, Interim Department Chair EECS
Anupam Pandey
Assistant Professor
Malea Perkins
Student Success Advisor
Vir V. Phoha
Jeremy Pierce
Part-Time Instructor
Peter Plumley
Research Associate Professor
Jason Pollack
Assistant Professor
Savonne Proctor
Success Advisor
Kate Pynn
Director, Student Programs
Quinn Qiao
Zhao Qin
Assistant Professor
Qinru Qiu
Distinguished Professor
Younes Ra’di
Assistant Professor
Farzana Rahman
Associate Teaching Professor
Sabina Redington
Budget Manager
Allen Reed
Help Desk Manager
Dacheng Ren
Stevenson Endowed Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Jorge Romeu
Part Time Professor
Utpal Roy
Christie Rudnick
Budget Administrator
Cynthia Salanger
Administrative Specialist
Baris Salman
Assistant Professor
Sarah Samir
Administrative Assistant
Ashok S. Sangani
Amit K. Sanyal
Associate Professor
Mehmet Sarimurat
Associate Teaching Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Roger Schmidt
Traugott Distinguished Professor
National Academy of Engineering Member
Wanliang Shan
Associate Professor
Ian M. Shapiro
Professor of Practice
Jim Sheedy
Facilities Manager
Andrea Shen
Assistant Teaching Professor
Yilei Shi
Associate Teaching Professor, Undergraduate Civil Engineering Program Director
Cindy Smith
Assistant Teaching Professor
J. Cole Smith
Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Lilly Smolak
Admissions Coordinator
Pranav Soman
Sucheta Soundarajan
Associate Professor,
CISE Doctoral Program Coordinator
James Spoelstra
Director of Information Technology
David Stablein
Program Coordinator, ESTEEMED LEADERS
Chris Stathatos
Computer Consultant
Emilia Stojanovski
Academic Operations Specialist
Yiyang Sun
Assistant Professor
Radhakrishna (Suresh) Sureshkumar
Distinguished Professor
Yuzhe Tang
Associate Professor
Svetoslava Todorova
Professor of Practice, Environmental Engineering Program Director
John Trimmer
Assistant Teaching Professor
William E. VanNordstrand
Senior Experimental Machinist
Pramod K. Varshney
Distinguished Professor
Stephanie Vasta
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Senem Velipasalar
Kelly Venturini
Associate Director of Development
Joseph J. Waclawski
Assistant Teaching Professor
Theodore Walker
Assistant Professor
Yeqing Wang
Assistant Professor
Li Wang
Assistant Teaching Professor
Yaoying Wu
Assistant Professor
Melissa Young
Director of the Center for Sustainable Community Solutions – Environmental Finance Center
Edmund S. Yu
Associate Teaching Professor
Pun To (Douglas) Yung
Associate Teaching Professor,
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Reza Zafarani
Associate Professor
Teng Zeng
Associate Professor
Jianshun “Jensen” Zhang
Executive Director, Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems
Teng Zhang
Associate Professor
Junzhe Zhang
Assistant Professor 
Yi Zheng
Assistant Professor
Fernando Zigunov
Assistant Professor