Prasanta K. Ghosh


3-132 CST



  • Ph. D. Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests:

  • Smart grid
  • Sensors and measurement
  • High speed electronic devices and integrated circuits
  • Power engineering
  • Power electronics

Current Research:

I am actively developing several research projects in the area of Smart Grid systems, including Distributed Resources, EVs, Microgrid Design and Analysis. Other projects include the design and analysis of FinFET, as well as the development of Thin Film Sensors.

Courses Taught:

  • Electronics devices
  • Circuits
  • Power engineering
  • Diversity and ethics in the workplace

Selected Publications:

Nikkhah Mojdehi, P. Ghosh, and M. Fardad, “Energy and Cost Minimization of Bidirectional Frequency Regulation Service by EV following FERC Order 755,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2015.

Mohammad Nikkhah Mojdehi and Prasanta Ghosh, “Minimization of Energy Usage and Cost for EV during Reactive Power Service”, Best Student Paper, IEEE International conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, 2015.

Chenrui Jin, Xiang Sheng and Prasanta Ghosh, “Optimized Electric Vehicle Charging with Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp 1063-1072, 2014.

Chenrui Jin, Jian Tang, Prasanta Ghosh, “Optimizing Electric Vehicle Charging with Energy Storage in the Electricity Market,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.4, no.1, pp311-320, 2013.

Feng and P. Ghosh, “Design Consideration in the Development of Multi-Fin FETs for RF Applications” World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering, 2012.