ECS Staff Awards

The College of Engineering and Computer Science recognizes its outstanding staff with four unique awards: ECS Staff Excellence Award, Outstanding Supporter of DEIA, Unsung Hero Award, and the Wellness Advocate Award. Recipients are nominated by fellow faculty or staff members and are evaluated by members of the Staff Council.

Staff Excellence Award: Sabina Redington
Unsung Hero Award: Nicole Adkins
Outstanding Supporter of DEIA: Shelby Bergen
Wellness Advocate Award: Malea Perkins

ECS Staff Excellence Awards

The College of Engineering and Computer Science recognizes a staff member who shows endless commitment to the College, students, and current College initiatives. This award recognizes outstanding employees for their performance, achievement, and accomplishments that are above those normally expected.

Outstanding Supporter of DEIA

The Office of Inclusive Excellence within the College of Engineering and Computer Science along with the Staff Council recognizes a staff member who shows an endless commitment to all aspects of DEIA efforts. They are always willing to assist with current initiatives and support the College’s and University’s overall goals toward DEIA efforts.

Unsung Hero Award

This award honors a staff member within the College of Engineering and Computer Science who has positively impacted a unit/department or the College with a positive attitude, a willingness to help in whatever capacity necessary, and a commitment to excellence. This award is for those individuals who consistently go the extra mile, but whose contributions tend to be unheralded.

Wellness Advocate Award

This award honors an individual offering extraordinary contributions that lead to the advancement of wellness promotion and wellbeing. This nominee strives to implement strategies aimed at making a difference in the lives of others and positively effects change around mental health and wellbeing.