Leadership Dialogue Circles

Through our partnership with InterFaith Works we use dialogue circles to develop inclusive excellence leadership skills—crucial for enhancing campus climate and skills cited by employers as essential for leadership in today’s global, diverse, and multicultural workforce.

Dialogue circles bring people together in small groups to foster mutual understanding and trust, and to find additional ways to work together, informing and promoting problem-solving. Dialogue circles are led by diverse, trained facilitators to address and encourage understanding across identity differences. The dialogue circles are graded, one-credit courses that address the challenging issues of race, ethnicity, and gender head-on through open dialogue. By participating, students will gain the skills to become a more competitive candidate in the global workplace and learn to forge healthier, more effective relationships.  

Inclusive Excellence Council

The ECS Inclusive Excellence Council is led by the Assistant Dean and comprised of faculty, staff and students. Driven by work in various sub-committees, the council is an action based group focused on representation, expanding opportunities for underrepresented minorities and females and supporting the ECS Leadership Dialogue Circle program.

Student Support Programs

  • Academic Excellence Workshops (AEW)
  • Scholar Programs
  • SummerStart for first-year students
  • Student Organizations
  • Tutoring

Ambassador Scholars


Syracuse University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science received bronze level status by the American Society for Engineering Education’s (ASEE) Diversity Recognition Program. The program’s goal is to help engineering, engineering technology, and computing programs promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in member colleges and ultimately in the workplace.

Syracuse University’s bronze status from the ASEE is valid for three years and begins in 2021.

Updates, Questions, and Feedback

For additional information and updates on diversity and inclusion efforts in the college and the University, be sure to utilize the following outlets:

Diversity and Inclusion at Syracuse University


Campus Commitments to Diversity and Inclusion

Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services (EOIRS)

The Center for Disability Resources

The Office of the University Ombuds

The D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families

To ask questions or provide feedback on these crucial topics, please refer to the following options:

  • Submit anonymous feedback online and leave your contact information if you would like a reply
  • Email Director of Inclusive Excellence Abby Fite (alfite@syr.edu)