Internships and Co-ops

Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for and obtain an internship. As with Co-ops, internships provide students with the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the field; the difference is that students generally complete internships during the summer. Some students can take advantage of part-time internships during the school year. This option is only available if a local company has a need and the student has ten to twenty hours a week free in their schedule.

Students are introduced to the program during their first year and can intern as early as the summer following their sophomore year.

Participation Requirements
To intern, students are required to be in good academic standing. The College’s Career Services office does not “place” students in internships. However, they offer a wide variety of initiatives that connect students to opportunities and work with students to develop a customized plan for success.

The College’s Co-operative Education option provides undergraduate students with an exciting opportunity to not only graduate from Syracuse University with a degree in hand but also leave campus with a semester or two of paid work experience. This is accomplished through taking a semester off from school during the fall or spring (academic advising is essential).

Students typically work in the field each summer in addition to the semester(s) they choose to Co-op.

Participation Requirements
The Co-op Program is optional and open to all students in good academic standing. To participate, a student must:

  • Obtain approval to miss an academic semester from their parents or guardian
  • Consult with their academic advisor
  • Consult with a financial aid officer where applicable
  • Contact housing and make necessary arrangements for their absence from campus
  • Register for ECS 370. This is a zero credit free course that maintains the student’s full-time student status in the university system while they are absent from campus

Career Planning by Class Year

A small percentage of students obtain summer internships following their first year. For the majority of freshmen, it’s important for them to gain as much insight into their chosen field as possible. To prepare, freshmen should:

  • Attend employer information/networking sessions
  • Attend a career fair to begin to build your network
  • Attend a College career workshop during the Spring semester and craft a resume
  • Participate in a job shadow opportunity
  • Investigate possibilities of an internship through friends and relatives
  • Sign up for an industry tour
  • Notify the College Career Services office when you obtain an internship or research experience

It’s highly recommended that students seek an internship during the summer following their second year. Two summers of engineering internships will well position students to competitively enter the job market during their senior year. In fact, it’s common practice for employers to convert their third-year interns to full-time employees. To prepare, sophomores should:

  • Attend a career workshop and craft a resume
  • Attend career fairs
  • Attend employer information/networking sessions
  • Investigate possibilities of an internship through friends and relatives
  • Seek opportunities to work in labs on campus for researched-based majors
  • Seek advice from the College’s Career Services office
  • Maintain a close relationship with the College’s Career Services office
  • Notify the College’s Career Services office when you obtain an internship or research experience
  • Before you leave your summer internship express interest in returning the following summer with your employer

It’s common practice for employers to convert their third-year interns to full-time hires. Therefore, by junior year, students should be well prepared to either return to a previous summer internship or utilize every option available to obtain a new one. To prepare, juniors should:

  • Update your resume
  • Attend career fairs
  • Attend employer information/networking sessions
  • Investigate possibilities of an internship through friends and relatives
  • Seek advice from the College’s Career Services office
  • Be diligent and flexible about seeking an opportunity
  • Notify the College’s Career Services office when you obtain an internship or research experience
  • Before you leave your summer internship express interest and apply for openings with your employer

Students who have actively sought and obtained internships and research opportunities are well positioned to competitively seek consideration for a full-time position. To reach this goal, seniors should:

  • Before you leave your summer internship the prior summer, express interest and apply for openings with your employer
  • Update your resume
  • Attend career fairs
  • Attend employer information/networking sessions
  • Investigate possibilities of an internship through friends and relatives
  • Seek advice from the College’s Career Services office
  • Be diligent and flexible about seeking an opportunity
  • Notify the College’s Career Services when you obtain an internship or research experience

Resources Offered to Students

Career Preparation
Beginning in September, when students arrive on campus each year, the College’s Career Services Office conducts various events that are targeted toward preparing students for career week activities and beyond. We encourage every student to visit the College’s Career Service Office and make a connection with staff for assistance. Below are the primary events that students can participate in to prepare themselves for a successful career outcome.

Visit Handshake for the most up-to-date list of upcoming opportunities.

The workshops focus on, but are not limited to:

  • Resume preparation
  • Interview preparation
  • How to prepare for the career fair
  • Job search strategies
  • Social media presence, such as LinkedIn

One-on-One Meetings
Students should use Handshake to sign up for a career advising appointment with their assigned Career Advisor.

Drop-In Hours
Drop-In hours are another avenue where students can obtain career advice. A drop-in appointment is typically a 30-minute session. Drop-in hours are posted on the door of 121 Link Hall. Emails will go out as career fairs approach with expanded hours.

Mock Interviews
Mock interviews are an ideal way to work out the nervous kinks that are common during interviews. Each semester employers sign up to assist our students by conducting mock interviews. The mock interviews consist of a 20-minute “formal” interview and a 10-minute feedback session.

Emails will go out to students when there are opportunities. They can also be seen in Handshake.

Job Shadow 
During the winter school break, the College alumni sign up to host a current student who lives in the same location as the alumnus. Job shadowing is a wonderful opportunity to connect with someone in the field who is willing to share professional career advice.

Industry Tours
The College offers all expenses paid visits to engineering and computer science firms. Students must be in good standing to participate as the tours usually require a full-day commitment. Many of these tours are organized in partnership with professors or student organizations. Open slots will be visible in Handshake.

Career Fairs
Each semester, the College’s Career Services office offers engineering-specific career fairs during “Career Week”. In addition to the career fairs, during career week, several events focused on connecting students with potential employers are held in the College. To hire students for internships, co-op, and full-time openings, many employers take full advantage of participating in career week events such as lobby tabling, info sessions, and conducting interviews.
Keep up to date on all of these events by checking Handshake often.

Helpful Resources

Career Fair Guidelines
Visit Resources under the Career Centers tab when logged into Handshake for a career fair guide.

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