
Jeongmin Ahn
Ben Akih-Kumgeh
Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Jackie Anderson
Associate Teaching Professor, Engineering Management Graduate Program Director, SU-Industrial Assessment Center Director
Michelle M. Blum
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Teaching Professor
Dean’s Faculty Fellow for Assessment
Ed Bogucz
Associate Professor
John F. Dannenhoffer III
Associate Professor
Alexander Deyhim
Kenneth and Mary Ann Shaw Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Bing Dong
Victor Duenas
Assistant Professor
Matthew Erdman
Assistant Teaching Professor
Zhenyu Gan
Assistant Professor
Lihong Lao
Assistant Professor
Kasey Laurent
Assistant Professor
Xiyuan Liu
Associate Teaching Professor
Dean’s Faculty Fellow for Academic Affairs
Aoyi Luo
Assistant Professor
Shalabh C. Maroo
MAE Graduate Program Director
Karen Martinez Soto
Assistant Teaching Professor
Young B. Moon
William J. Smith Professor in Manufacturing Enterprises
Department Chair MAE
Anupam Pandey
Assistant Professor
Quinn Qiao
Jorge Romeu
Part Time Professor
Utpal Roy
Amit K. Sanyal
Associate Professor
Mehmet Sarimurat
Associate Teaching Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Roger Schmidt
Traugott Distinguished Professor
National Academy of Engineering Member
Wanliang Shan
Associate Professor
Ian M. Shapiro
Professor of Practice
Andrea Shen
Assistant Teaching Professor
Yiyang Sun
Assistant Professor
Yeqing Wang
Assistant Professor
Jianshun “Jensen” Zhang
Executive Director, Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems
Teng Zhang
Associate Professor
Fernando Zigunov
Assistant Professor