
Michael Blatchley
Assistant Professor
Jesse Q. Bond
Mezger Endowed Professor
Chemical Engineering Graduate Program Director
Mary Beth Browning Monroe
Associate Professor
Katie Cadwell
Teaching Professor and Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Ruth Chen
Professor of Practice
Viktor J. Cybulskis
Assistant Professor
Julie M. Hasenwinkel
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence
Department Chair BMCE
James (Jay) Henderson
Professor, BioInspired Institute Director
Ian D. Hosein
Associate Professor
Era Jain
Assistant Professor
Zhen Ma
Associate Professor, Samuel and Carol Nappi Research Scholar
Shikha Nangia
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program Director
Dacheng Ren
Stevenson Endowed Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Ashok S. Sangani
Cindy Smith
Assistant Teaching Professor
Pranav Soman
Radhakrishna (Suresh) Sureshkumar
Distinguished Professor
Theodore Walker
Assistant Professor
Yaoying Wu
Assistant Professor
Pun To (Douglas) Yung
Associate Teaching Professor,
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
Yi Zheng
Assistant Professor