Institute for Sustainability Engagement 

Institute for Sustainability Engagement 

Student collecting data on the green roof

The Institute for Sustainability Engagement co-creates solutions with communities to achieve locally informed sustainable strategies. This is done by connecting local insights with academic expertise, building strong relationships between researchers, policymakers, and community members and engaging with others — meeting people where they are to get them where they want to go.

Industrial Assessment Center

The Syracuse Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) is one of 37 centers across the country supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. All IAC locations are housed at a college or university and managed by faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduates in ABET accredited engineering and computer science schools.

The Syracuse IAC was established in 2001 and is committed to assisting manufacturing facilities in New York State, generating recommended savings based on energy reduction, waste stream minimization, productivity optimization and overall efficiency increases.

We have experienced and have performed over 400 audits since the center’s founding. Our assessments have saved companies an average of $66,000 annually and our implementation rate is approximately 50%. Our assessments include a comprehensive technical report that addresses a wide breadth of recommendations tailored to fit each of our client’s specific needs.

Center for Environmental Systems Engineering (CESE)

Mission & Purpose
The Center for Environmental Systems Engineering (CESE) is a collaborative facility used by faculty, staff, students at Syracuse University and cooperators.
The mission of the CESE is to facilitate collaboration on research and analytical measurements pertaining to environmental problems and technologies. The
CESE is housed in Link Hall within the College of Engineering at Computer Science at SU. Collaborators and students across and beyond SU are encouraged to
use the facilities and to interact with CESE faculty, staff, and students.

Current Research

  1. Climate change effects and mitigation on ecosystems, water systems and infrastructure.
  2. Use of spatial science data and global earth observations for water resource management and response to hydroclimatic disasters.
  3. Sources, transport, transformations, fate and remediation of nutrients and trace organic and inorganic contaminants
  4. The cost-effectiveness of approaches to decarbonize sectors and to promote carbon sequestration.
  5. Application and effectiveness of green infrastructure.

The CESE includes 22,000ft2 of core and individual laboratories that have been designed with the versatility required for interdisciplinary studies and are
furnished with sophisticated equipment for environmental research. Facilities allow for the characterization/analysis of biogeochemistry of complex
ecosystems, microbial characterization, soil/sediment processing and analysis, major element analysis, organic and inorganic trace substance processing,
and analysis, and a state-of-the-art, Class 1,000 clean room. Computer laboratories are available for data analysis, environmental modeling, visualization,
and GIS.


Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental Energy Systems

The Syracuse Center of Excellence (CoE) is a collaborative organization that accelerates the development of innovations for a sustainable future. As New York State’s Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, we engage more than 200 private companies, organizations, and academic institutions to create new products and services in indoor environmental quality, clean and renewable energy, and water resource management.

With a staff based at its headquarters in downtown Syracuse, the CoE has three specialized teams that focus on research, industry collaboration, and sustainable community solutions. In research, we are at the forefront of groundbreaking new clean technologies—leveraging world-class R&D facilities from the iconic, high-performance, LEED™ Platinum “living laboratory” that is the CoE headquarters to the state-of-the-art labs of our academic and industry partners. We drive and accelerate innovative research to the marketplace through strategic industry collaborations regionally, nationally, and internationally. We create sustainable community solutions by implementing new technologies and bringing the latest knowledge on environmental sustainability to the public through educational and training programs.

At our Syracuse site, we provide laboratory and office space for research and business collaborations involving new environmental and energy systems products and services. Research areas include systems that monitor and control comfortable air temperature, air quality, lighting, sound and water quality in built and urban environments, and innovative energy systems, including clean technologies and renewable fuel sources.

The work of the CoE and its members impacts the essentials of our human existence in harmony with nature. We improve the energy that powers our lives, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the buildings in which we live, work, learn, and play.

Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory (BEESL)

The Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory (BEESL), in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, is a key research lab associated with the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, the New York Strategically Targeted Academic Research Center for Environmental Quality Systems (NY-STAR EQS) and the New York Indoor Environmental Quality Center (NYIEQ). It was established in November 1999 with funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Assembly, National Grid, and Syracuse University.

The mission of BEESL is three-fold:

  • Advance the science and develop innovative technologies in the areas of indoor environmental quality (IEQ), building energy efficiency (BEE), and building protections by conducting leading-edge academic and industrial research.
  • Enhance scholarly learning and professional training for graduate and undergraduate students via integration of research and teaching.
  • Help relevant industries in product development and innovation by providing objective and unbiased product testing and evaluation services.


Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering (CASE)

CASE is New York State’s premier applied research center for interdisciplinary expertise in complex information-intensive systems, including monitoring and control, predictive analysis, intelligence, security, and assurance.
CASE has been a designated New York State Center of Advanced Technology (CAT) since 1984, bringing together traditional academic strengths in research and education to promote strong university-industry interaction and generate positive economic impact across New York State and beyond.


Environmental Finance Center at the Institute for Sustainability Engagement 

The Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center (SU-EFC) facilitates the development of sustainable and resilient communities throughout US EPA Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight tribal nations), across the US, and internationally.

Located at the Syracuse University Institute for Sustainability Engagement, SU-EFC enhances the administrative and financial capacities of state and local government officials, nonprofit organizations, and private sectors to make changes toward improved environmental infrastructure and quality of life.

SU-EFC works with elected representatives and technical assistance providers to determine the level of community knowledge of, and support for, environmental improvement projects, including water and wastewater systems, drinking water protection, sustainable materials management, land use planning, agricultural infrastructure, and energy efficiency.

SU-EFC bridges the gap between elected officials and the public by presenting factual information from a neutral position. Outreach methods include public meetings, roundtable discussions, technical assistance and training, and conferences and summits. We have found that environmental improvement projects succeed more often when the public is engaged in decision-making processes.