Pun To (Douglas) Yung

Dr. Yung has long been intrigued by the interfacing of microbes with engineering tools on a micro- and nano-scale. He is unravelling methods to rapidly assess the viability of superbugs and harness energy from extremophiles using a combination of electrochemical, optical techniques and MEMS devices.


  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering concentration), University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
  • B.S. in Mathematics/Applied Science (Medical and Life Sciences plan), University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
  • Ph.D. in Bioengineering, California Institute of Technology, 2008

Teaching Interests:

Dr. Yung is an advocate of a hybrid teaching and learning environment replete with project-based hands-on work, experiential activities and peer collaboration, a style departing from traditional top-down expository pedagogies.


  • NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2008
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012
  • Dean’s Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011, 2012
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

Recent Publications:

  • Liu, Si Li, Wen Jie Wu, and Pun To Yung. “Effect of sonic stimulation on Bacillus endospore germination.” FEMS microbiology letters 363.1 (2016): fnv217.
  • Wu, Wen Jie, Si Li Liu, and Pun To Yung. “Realization of Conductometry on a Digital Microfluidic Platform for Real-Time Monitoring of Bacillus Atrophaeus Endospore Germination.” IEEE Sensors Journal 16.8 (2016): 2244-2250.
  • Tao, Wenyan, Yanqing Ai, Sili Liu, Cheuk Wing Lun, and Pun To Yung. “Determination of Alpha-Fetoprotein by a Microfluidic Miniature Quartz Crystal Microbalance.” Analytical Letters 48.6 (2015): 907-920.

Sucheta Soundarajan


  • PhD, Computer Science (2013, Cornell University)

Areas of Expertise:

  • Social network analysis
  • Complex systems
  • Algorithmic fairness
  • Algorithms

Current Research:

Dr. Soundarajan’s research focuses on designing algorithms for analyzing social and other complex networks, including algorithms for characterizing the hierarchical structure of networks and the evolution of social networks.  She is particularly interested in designing fair network analysis algorithms for tasks such as link prediction and community/cluster detection.  Her work also explores the structure of real-world complex systems, including the behavior of individual animals in herds of dairy cows, language evolution in social media ecosystems, and stratification in scientific co-authorship networks. 

Selected Publications:

Sucheta Soundarajan and John Hopcroft. Use of Local Group Information to Identify Communities in Networks. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD). 2015.

Sucheta Soundarajan, Tina Eliassi-Rad, and Brian Gallagher. A Guide to Selecting a Network Similarity Method. SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM). 2014.

Bruno Abrahao, Sucheta Soundarajan, John Hopcroft, and Robert Kleinberg. A Separability Framework for Analyzing Community Structure. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD-CASIN). 2014.

Bruno Abrahao, Sucheta Soundarajan, John Hopcroft, and Robert Kleinberg. On the Separability of Structural Classes of Communities. 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). 2012.

Sucheta Soundarajan and John Hopcroft. Using Community Information to Improve the Precision of Link Prediction Methods. World Wide Web (WWW) 2012.

Dacheng Ren


  • B.E. (major) Applied Chemistry, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China, 1996.
  • B.E. (minor) Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China, 1996.
  • M.E. Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, P. R. China, 1999.
  • Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2003
  • Postdoctoral associate, Chemical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2003-2005.

Lab/Center Affiliation:

  • Syracuse BioInspired Institute

Areas of Expertise:

  • Biomaterials
  • Medical devices
  • Biotechnology
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Bacterial control

Current Research:

Historically, our understanding of bacterial physiology and development of antibiotics have been focused on active planktonic (free-swimming) cells. However, the vast majority of bacteria in nature and medical environments exist in surface-attached biofilms with varying levels of dormancy. With up to 1,000 times higher tolerance to antibiotics and disinfectants compared to their planktonic counterparts, deleterious biofilms cause serious problems such as chronic infections in humans as well as persistent fouling and equipment failure in industry. Biofilms are blamed for billions of dollars of losses and more than 45,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone. Despite the well-recognized significance of biofilms, the mechanisms of biofilm formation and bacterial dormancy are still not fully understood with many fundamental questions unanswered. Controlling biofilms and dormant cells is also challenging. To address these challenges, we conduct both basic and translational research with specific interests in bacteria-material interactions, novel antifouling materials, new agents for controlling biofilms and dormant cells, synthetic biology for microbial control, and smart and safer medical devices.

Courses Taught:

  • CEN551 Biochemical Engineering
  • BEN301 Biological Principles for Engineers


  • Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2022
  • Chancellor’s citation for Faculty Excellence & Scholarly Distinction, Syracuse University, 2018
  • Faculty Excellence Award, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Syracuse University, 2014
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2011-2016
  • College Technology Educator of the Year by the Technology Alliance of Central New York (TACNY), 2010.
  • Early Career Translational Research Award in Biomedical Engineering, Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, 2009

Selected Publications:

For a full list of publications, please see http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=85Ty0hAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao.

Yikang Xu and Dacheng Ren. “A novel inductively coupled capacitor wireless sensor system for rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing.” Journal of Biological Engineering. 17, Article number: 54 (2023).

72. Sang Won Lee, Erick L. Johnson, J. Alex Chediak, Hainsworth Shin, Yi Wang, K. Scott Phillips and Dacheng Ren. “High-Throughput Biofilm Assay to Investigate Bacterial Interactions with Surface Topographies.” ACS Applied Bio Materials. 5: 3816-3825 (2022).

Sweta Roy, Ali Adem Bahar, Huan Gu, Shikha Nangia, Karin Sauer and Dacheng Ren. “Persister Control by Leveraging Dormancy Associated Reduction of Antibiotic Efflux.” PLOS Pathogens. 17(12): e1010144 (2021).

Sang Won Lee, Joseph Carnicelli, Dariya Getya, Ivan Gitsov, K. Scott Phillips and Dacheng Ren. “Biofilm Removal by Reversible Shape Recovery of the Substrate.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 13 (15): 17174–17182 (2021)

Sang Won Lee, K. Scott Phillips, Huan Gu, Mehdi Kazemzadeh-Narbat, Dacheng Ren. “How microbes read the map: effects of implant topography on bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation.” Biomaterials. 268: 120595 (2021).

Huan Gu, Sang Won Lee, Joseph Carnicelli, Teng Zhang, and Dacheng Ren. “Magnetically driven active topography for long-term biofilm control”. Nature Communications. 11: Article number: 2211 (2020).

Yikang Xu, Yousr Dhaouadi, Paul Stoodley, and Dacheng Ren, “Sensing the unreachable: challenges and opportunities in biofilm detection”. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 64: 79-84 (2020).

Qinru Qiu


  • Ph.D.

Areas of expertise:

  • Green computing
  • Neuromorphic computing
  • Machine learning
  • Distributed systems
  • Explainable AI

Research Interests:

  • Dynamic power and thermal management for computer systems
  • Power and performance optimization of energy harvesting real-time embedded systems
  • Neuromorphic computing and high performance computing for cognitive applications

Current Research:

Dr. Qinru Qiu received her PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California. She is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University. Her research interests include neuromorphic computing, machine learning, and energy efficient computing. She served/serves as an associate editor for several IEEE/ACM journals including IEEE TNNLS, IEEE CAS Magazine, IEEE TCDS, IEEE TCAD, IEEE TC-CS, and Frontier on Neuroscience on Neuromorphic Engineering. She also served/serves on the organization committee and technical program committee of many IEEE/ACM conferences. Dr. Qiu is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2009, IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation award in 2020, ACM Distinguished Member in 2022, and Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE CEDA Society (2023-2024). She is a Fellow of IEEE.

Courses Taught:

  • VLSI Design
  • Computer architecture


  • Distinguished Professor
  • IEEE fellow
  • CEDA Distinguished Lecturer (2023 – 2024)
  • IEEE CAS Magazine Best Associate Editors (2023)
  • Chancellor’s Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction (2023)
  • IEEE Circuit and System Magazine Best Associate Editors 2022
  • ACM Distinguished Member (2022)
  • IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award (2020)
  • ACM Recognition of Service Award (2019)
  • ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award (2011)
  • NSF Career Award (2009)
  • American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Summer Research Faculty Fellowship (2007)

Selected Publications:

1. B. Wang, Y. Ma, and Q. Qiu, “Prompt-based Domain Incremental Learning with Modular Classification Layer,” European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2024.

2. N. Lin, J. Chen, R. Zhao, Y. He, K. Wong, Q. Qiu, Z. Wang, J J. Yang, “In-memory and in-sensor reservoir computing with memristive devices,” APL Machine Learning, 2024.

3. J. Liu, Y. Bu, and Q. Qiu, “Improved Efficiency Based on Learned Saccade and Continuous Scene Reconstruction From Foveated Visual Sampling,” International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.

4. Z. Zhang, J. Jing, and Q. Qiu, “SOLSA: Neuromorphic Spatiotemporal Online Learning for Synaptic Adaptation,” to appear on 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2024.

5. Y. Bu, J. Liu, and Q. Qiu, “Predictive Temporal Attention on Event-based Video Stream for Energy-efficient Situation Awareness,” International Green and Sustainable Computing (IGSC), 2023.

6. Q. Huang, C. Luo, S. Khan, A. B. Wu, H. Li, and Q. Qiu, “Multi-agent Cooperative Games Using Belief Map Assisted Training,” European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2023.

Susan Older


  • B.S. in Computer Science, Washington University
  • Ph.D. in Pure & Applied Logic, Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interests:

  • Semantics of programming languages
  • Logics of programs
  • Access control, security, and trust
  • Concurrency theory

Current Research:

My research primarily focuses on the development and application of mathematical models and specialty logics that support reasoning about complex system behavior, such as concurrency and cyber security. My recent work (joint with Shiu-Kai Chin) has centered on a modal logic for reasoning about access control, security, and trust. This logic can be applied at all levels of abstraction, from organizational policies to network protocols to operating-system requirements to hardware.

I am also interested in the technology transfer of these ideas (specifically, through undergraduate and graduate education): how does one best enable budding engineers and computer scientists to deploy these methods to develop assured systems?

Courses Taught:

  • Discrete mathematics
  • Functional programming
  • Programming languages
  • Applications of formal methods for assurance

Selected Publications:


Shiu-Kai Chin and Susan Older, Access Control, Security, and Trust: A Logical Approach, Taylor & Francis CRC Press, 2011.


Susan Older and Shiu-Kai Chin, “Engineering Assurance at the Undergraduate Level,” IEEE Security & Privacy, Volume 10, Number 6, pages 74-77, Nov/Dec 2012.

Shiu-Kai Chin, Erich Devendorf, Sarah Muccio, Susan Older, and James Royer, “Formal Verification for Mission Assurance in Cyberspace,” Proceedings of the 16th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, Orlando, Florida, June 2012.

Glenn Benson, Shiu-Kai Chin, Sean Croston, Karthick Jayaraman, and Susan Older, “Credentials Management for High-Value Transactions,” in Igor Kotenko and Victor Skormin (Eds.), Computer Network Security, 5th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security (MMM-ACNS), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2010.

Jae C. Oh


  • Ph.D in Computer Science, The University of Pittsburgh

Lab/Center Affiliation(s):

  • Distributed Multi-agent Systems Laboratory (Director)

Areas of Expertise:

  • Distributed systems, multi-agent systems, Game Theory, and Symbolic and Non-Symbolic AI.
  • Studying Interaction dynamics among multiple entities in networked and non-networked environments.

I am interested in studying interaction dynamics among multiple entities in networked and non-networked environments, resource allocation and management in distributed environments, dialogical artificial intelligence, and studies on visual dialogues and visual art.

Honors and Awards:

  • Distinguished Scholar, International Society of Applied Intelligence, 2011.

Selected Publications:

Nathaniel Gemelli, Jeffrey Hudack, Steven Loscalzo and Jae Oh, “”Using Coalitions with Stochastic Search to solve Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 2015

A Game Theoretic Framework for Community Detection, The 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2012. Best Paper Award. with K. Mehrotra and P. McSweeny

An Open Co-op Model for Global Enterprise Technology Education: Integrating the Internship and Course Work. SIGCSE 2012. With J. Saltz.

Joo Lee and Jae C. Oh, A Node-Centric Reputation Computation Algorithm on Online Social Networks, in Lecture Notes in Social Networks: Application of Social Media and Social Network Analysis, Springer International Publishing, Eds:, Kazienko, Przemyslaw and Chawla, Nitesh, Pages 1-22.

Jae C. Oh, Emergence of self-reflection through visual dialogues based on evolutionary algorithms,” a description of Informatrix III from a computer science perspective, in the Art Catalogue of 14th International Festival of Intermedia Art, Maribor, Solvenia, October 13, 2008, English), ISBN 978-961-6154-19-2, an Art Catalogue

Wonkyung Park and Jae C. Oh, \New Entropy Model for Extraction of Structural Information from XCS Population,” Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2009 (GECCO 2009), July, Montreal, Canada, ACM, Best paper award.

Young B. Moon


  • Ph.D., Purdue University
  • M.S., Stanford University
  • B.S., Seoul National University

Areas of Expertise:

  • Cyber-Manufacturing Systems
  • Cyber-Manufacturing Security
  • Systems Modeling and Simulation
  • Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Sustainable Product Realization Processes and Systems

Professor Moon teaches courses and conducts research in the areas of Cyber-Manufacturing Systems, Cyber-Manufacturing Security, Sustainable Manufacturing, Product Realization Processes and Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Systems Modeling and Simulation, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. He has had extensive interactions with industry and has published over 130 journal and conference publications. Dr. Moon is a licensed P.E. (Professional Engineer) registered in the State of New York, a CFPIM (Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management), and a CMfgE (Certified Manufacturing Engineer). He is active in numerous professional organizations such as INCOSE, ABET, SME, ASME, ASEE, and IFIP. He has served as a Commissioner for ABET’s Engineering Accreditation Commission and is serving on ABET’s Board of Delegates and Engineering Area Delegation. A Fulbright Scholar, he has also held visiting positions in various organizations across the globe.

Honors and Awards:

  • Outstanding Service Award from INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering)

Selected Publications:

Prasad R., Seyed, S.A.Z. and Y.B. Moon, “Recovery systems architecture for cyber-manufacturing systems against cyber-manufacturing attacks,” Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 31, pp. 851–860, The 51st SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 51), New Brunswick, NJ, June 12–16, 2023.

Espinoza-Zelaya, C. and Y.B. Moon, “Framework for enhancing the operational resilience of cyber-manufacturing systems against cyber-attacks,” Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 31, pp. 843–850, The 51st SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 51), New Brunswick, NJ, June 12–16, 2023.

Prasad R. and Y.B. Moon, “Comprehensive Analysis of Cyber-Manufacturing Attacks using a Cyber-Manufacturing Testbed,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Columbus, OH, October 30–November 3, 2022.

Espinoza-Zelaya, C. and Y.B. Moon, “Assessing Severity of Cyber-Attack Threats against Cyber-Manufacturing Systems,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Columbus, OH, October 30–November 3, 2022.

Espinoza-Zelaya, C. and Y.B. Moon, “Resilience Enhancing Mechanisms for Cyber-Manufacturing Systems against Cyber-Attacks,” The 10th IFAC Triennial Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control (MIM 2022), Nantes, France, June 22–24, 2022.

Prasad, R. and Y.B. Moon, “Architecture for Preventing and Detecting Cyber-Attacks in Cyber-Manufacturing Systems,” The 10th IFAC Triennial Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control (MIM 2022), Nantes, France, June 22–24, 2022.

Song, J., Wang, J. and Y.B. Moon, “Blockchain Applications in Manufacturing Systems: A Survey,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Virtual, November 1–4, 2021.

Wu, M., Song, J., Sharma, S., Di, J., He, B., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Lin, L., Greaney, E., and Y.B. Moon, “Development of Testbed for Cyber-Manufacturing Security Issues,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 302–320, 2020.

Wu, M. and Y.B. Moon, “Alert Correlation for Detecting Cyber-Manufacturing Attacks and Intrusions,” Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 011004-1–011004-12, 2020.

Wu, M., Song, Z., and Y.B. Moon, “Detecting Cyber-Physical Attacks in CyberManufacturing Systems with Machine Learning Methods,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 1111–1123, 2019.

Wu, M. and Y.B. Moon, “Intrusion Detection for Cyber-Manufacturing System,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, vol. 141, no. 3, pp. 031007-1–031007-9, 2019.

Song, Z. and Y.B. Moon, “Sustainability Metrics for Assessing Manufacturing Systems: A Distance-to-Target Methodology,” Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 2811–2834, 2019.

Wu, M. and Y.B. Moon, “DACDI (Define, Audit, Correlate, Disclose, and Improve) Framework to Address Cyber-Manufacturing Attacks and Intrusions,” Special Issue on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, Manufacturing Letters, vol. 15, Part B, pp. 155–159, 2018.

Moon, Y.B., “Simulation Modeling for Sustainability: A Review of the Literature,” International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 2–19, 2017.

Moon, Y.B., “Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): A Review of the Literature,” International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 235–264, 2007.

Shikha Nangia


  • Ph. D. Chemistry (2006) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
  • M.Sc. Chemistry (2000) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
  • B.Sc. Chemistry (1998) University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Lab/Center Affiliation:

  • Syracuse Biomaterials Institute

Research interests:

  • Blood-brain barrier
  • Targeted cancer drug delivery
  • Multiscale modeling of nanomaterials
  • Nanomedicine
  • Virus nanotechnology

Current Research:

My research group focuses on studying blood-brain barrier using theoretical and computational techniques. The goal is to enable the transport of drug molecules across the blood-brain barrier, which has been the biggest impediment for finding a cure for brain related ailments such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. This project was funded through the NSF-CAREER award.

Additionally, we our group focuses on computational multiscale modeling of nanomaterials, including nanomedicine, drug delivery nanocarriers, and nano-bio interactions. The goal of this research is to design efficient nanosized drug delivery carriers to target cancer tumor cells that hold the key to a new era of cancer treatment. To achieve our research goals we are developing quantitative approaches for characterizing interaction of nanoscale entities with living matter (serum, cell-membranes, cells). Our computational approaches are directed to analyze these complex nano-bio interactions in an effort to design safe and smart drug delivery nanocarriers.

Courses Taught:

  • Statistical thermodynamics
  • Multiscale computational methods
  • Reaction kinetics
  • Engineering Materials, Properties, and Processing


  • 2017 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Education
  • 2017 Meredith Teaching Recognition Award
  • 2016 College Technology Educator of the Year, Technical Alliance of Central New York
  • 2016 ACS OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
  • 2015 Nappi Research Competition Award
  • NSF CAREER award (2015)
  • Faculty Excellence Award, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University (2015)

Recent Publications:

Development of effective stochastic potential method using random matrix theory for efficient conformational sampling of semiconductor nanoparticles at non-zero temperatures, J. Scher, M. Bayne, A. Srihari, S. Nangia, and A. Chakraborty, Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 014103 (2018). https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5026027
Self-assembly simulations of classic claudins-insights into the pore structure, selectivity and higher-order complexes, F. J. Irudayanathan, X. Wang, N. Wang, S. Willsey, I. Seddon, and S. Nangia, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, 7463-7474 (2018). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b03842

Mechanism of Antibacterial Activity of Choline-Based Ionic Liquids (CAGE), Kelly N. Ibsen, H. Ma, A. Banerjee, E. E. L. Tanner, S. Nangia, and S. Mitragotri, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 4, 2370-2379 (2018). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00486

Dynamics of OmpF trimer formation in the bacterial outer membrane of Escherichia coli, H. Ma, A. Khan, and S. Nangia, Langmuir, 34, 5623-5634 (2018). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02653

Architecture of the paracellular channels formed by Claudins of the blood-brain barrier tight junctions, F. J. Irudayanathan, N. Wang, X. Wang , and S. Nangia, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1749-6632 (2017). https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/nyas.13378

Modeling diversity in structures of bacterial outer membrane lipids H. Ma, D. D. Cummins, N. B. Edelstein, J. Gomez, A. Khan, M. D. Llewellyn, T. Picudella,  S. R. Willsey and S. Nangia, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 13, 811–824 (2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.6b00856

Drug-specific design of telodendrimer architecture for effective Doxorubicin encapsulation, W. Jiang, X. Wang, D. Guo, J. Luo, and S. Nangia, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120, 9766–9777 (2016).  http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b06070

Jennifer W. Graham

Electromagnetic, complex media, antenna design and modeling


  • B.S.E.E Syracuse University, 2000
  • M.S.E.E. Syracuse University, 2004
  • Ph.D. Syracuse University, 2012

Current Research:

My current research includes understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves in complex media specifically anisotropic media. I have studied biaxially anistropic media with the most depth including wave propagation and reflection and transmission.

I also have research interest in antennas including antenna modeling and measurement. I have combined research areas by modeling microstrip antennas printed on biaxially anisotropic substrates.

Courses taught:

  • ECS 101:  Introduction to Engineering and Computer Science
  • ELE 331:  Digital Circuits and Systems
  • ELE 333:  Analog Circuits
  • ELE 621:  Electromagnetic Fields
  • ELE 623:  Microwave Measurements
  • ELE 722:  Microwave Filters
  • ELE 726:  Computational Methods of Field Theory

Selected Publications:

J.W. Graham, J.K. and Lee, “Electromagnetic Waves in Biaxially Anisotropic Media,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 1–15 2015.

J.W. Graham and J. K. Lee, “Reflection and Transmission from Biaxially Anisotropic-Isotropic Interfaces,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 136, 681-702, 2013.

J.W. Graham and J. K. Lee, “Rectangular Patch Antennas on Biaxial Substrates,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, FL July 2013.

J.W. Graham and J. K. Lee, “Microstrip Dipoles Printed on Biaxial Substrates,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Chicago, IL July 2012.

J.W. Graham and J. K. Lee, “Reflection and Transmission at Isotropic-Biaxial Interface,” URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2011.

J.W. Graham, G. F. Pettis, and J. K. Lee, “Symmetrical Property of Dyadic Green’s Functions for Layered Anisotropic Medium,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Toronto Ontario, Canada, July 2010.

Cliff I. Davidson


  • Ph.D., Environmental Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, 1977. 
  • M.S., Environmental Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, 1973. 
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1972.

Lab/Center Affiliation(s):

  • Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems
  • Director, Center for Sustainable Engineering

Areas of Expertise:

  • Environmental transport and fate of air pollutants, especially lead and other toxic metals as well as sulfate and other inorganic acids 
  • Measurement and modeling of atmospheric dry and wet deposition of pollutants 
  • Human perceptions of energy use from day-to-day activities 
  • Assessment of performance of green infrastructure for stormwater management 
  • Protection of cities from extreme weather events due to climate change 

Current Research:

Davidson is currently studying the performance of green infrastructure for stormwater management in Syracuse, focusing on the Convention Center Green Roof. At 0.56 hectares, this is one of the largest green roofs in New York State and also one of the best-instrumented green roofs in the country. Data are collected on temperatures at various depths in the roof structure, flow of drainage water during rainstorms, water storage in the soil, and several weather parameters. Leaf area index and other plant characteristics are measured for the six species of sedum growing on the roof. The data are used to adapt and validate computer models of water flow, storage, and evaporation from the roof. In other research, Davidson is studying how public and private organizations in the U.S. and Latin America decide on strategies to protect their city from the extreme events of climate change. The events include coastal flooding, droughts, extreme heat, and pluvial flooding at inland locations. The preferences for different strategies are examined through surveys. 

Courses Taught:

  • CEE 562 Air Resources I
  • ECS 650 Managing Sustainability: Purpose, Principles, and Practices
  • CEE 463/663 Introduction to Sustainable Engineering
  • Professional development workshops for faculty around the country on developing sustainability content for engineering courses

Honors and Awards:

  • 2024 Best Case Study Award for the paper “A diagnostic analysis of low-impact development simulations with SWMM”, by Lucie L. Worthen, Christa Kelleher, and Cliff I. Davidson, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, Volume 8, Issue 2, May 2022 https://doi.org/10.1061/JSWBAY.0000976 
  • AEESP Distinguished Lecturer for 2022-2023, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors 
  • Faculty Fellow, Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, Syracuse University, elected 2016. 
  • Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers, elected 2016 
  • Fellow, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, elected 2015 
  • United Methodist University Scholar-Teacher Award, Syracuse University 2014 
  • William H. and Frances M. Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009 
  • 2009 Outstanding Paper Award, Literati Network Awards for Excellence, Emerald Group Publishing, for the paper “Transforming universities for sustainability: Seven case studies from around the world,” by D. Ferrer-Balas, J. Adachi, S. Banas, C.I. Davidson, A. Hoshikoshi, A. Mishra, Y. Motodoa, M. Onga, and M. Ostwald, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 9, pages 295-316, 2008 
  • Fellow, American Association for Aerosol Research, elected 2008
  • Phillip Dowd Fellowship, College of Engineering, CMU, 2007 
  • Outstanding Educator Award, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, 2007 
  • Charles Beyer Distinguished Lecturer, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, 2006 

Select Publications:

Squier-Babcock, Mallory and Cliff I. Davidson, Hydrologic performance of an extensive green roof in Syracuse, NY, Water, Vol. 12, Number 6, May 28, 2020, https://doi.org/10.3390/w12061535

Yang, Yige, Cliff I. Davidson, and Jianshun Zhang, Evaluation of thermal performance of green roofs via field measurements and hygrothermal simulations, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 237, Number 1:110800, April 15, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.110800

Yang, Yige and Cliff I. Davidson, Green roof aging effect on physical properties and hydrologic performance, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, Volume 7, Issue 3, August 2021. https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/JSWBAY.0000949?af=R

Worthen, Lucie L., Christa Kelleher, and Cliff I. Davidson, A diagnostic analysis of low impact development simulations with SWMM, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, Volume 8, Issue 2, May 2022. https://doi.org/10.1061/JSWBAY.0000976

Johnson, Alexander J. and Cliff I. Davidson, Estimating dry deposition of atmospheric aerosols to urban surfaces by rain washoff, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 293, January 15, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119466.  

Johnson, Alexander J., Cliff I. Davidson, Evan Cibelli, and Anna Wojcik, Estimating Leaf Area Index and Coverage of Dominant Vegetation on an Extensive Green Roof in Syracuse, NY, Nature-Based Solutions, Vol. 3, December 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbsj.2023.100068

Andria Costello Staniec

Andria Costello Staniec was named Associate Provost for Academic Programs for Syracuse University in July of 2012, becoming the senior leader in Academic Affairs charged with ensuring the quality and effectiveness of academic programs and the academic success of SU students, including the collaborative development of policies and programs that promote instructional quality, advising effectiveness and student success.

Costello Staniec joined the faculty at Syracuse University in January, 1999. She received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992. Dr. Costello Staniec earned her Master’s and doctoral degrees in Environmental Engineering Science from the California Institute of Technology in 1995 and 1999, respectively. Her graduate study was performed in the broad area of applied environmental microbiology. As a graduate student, Dr. Costello Staniec was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Dr. Costello Staniec is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Chemical Society, the American Society for Microbiology, the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, and the Society of Women Engineers.

Costello Staniec teaches courses in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her classes are in the areas of environmental microbiology and biotechnological applications in engineering. Costello Staniec conducts multidisciplinary research aimed at elucidating the complex relationships between microbial diversity and function. Her research is focused on the development and application of molecular and microbiological tools to investigate both natural and engineered systems. Costello Staniec’s research interests include issues related to bioremediation, global biogeochemical cycles, and changes in microbial communities in response to anthropogenic disturbance.

Research Interests:

Costello Staniec is currently investigating the diversity of the methane oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) in soils in the northeastern United States. Methanotrophs are a group of bacteria that grow on methane as their sole source of carbon and energy. They can be isolated from a wide variety of environments and are believed to be ubiquitous in nature. Increased attention has been focused on the ecological implications of methane oxidation and the role of methanotrophs in both the global methane budget and the bioremediation of halogenated solvents. Research in the Costello Staniec lab has led to the development of tools designed to assess the microbial diversity and function of methanotrophs in natural and engineered systems. Costello Staniec is currently investigating the role of methanotrophs in the global carbon cycle at study sites in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

In addition to her work with methanotrophs, Costello Staniec is involved with work relating microbial diversity to function at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF). Her research at the HBEF addresses the factors controlling microbial diversity in a northern hardwood forest and the relationships between microbial diversity, community structure, and microbial function in the ecosystem. Recent work includes the study of the effects of an entire watershed manipulation (liming) on soil microbial populations as well as investigations into the effects of acidic deposition on belowground microorganisms.

Teaching Interests:

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Bioremediation
  • Biotechnology

Katie Cadwell


  • B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Missouri University of Science & Technology (formerly University of Missouri-Rolla)
  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Thesis Advisor: Nicholas L. Abbott, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate in STEM Education and Outreach, Interdisciplinary Education Group, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Chemistry Instructor, General Chemistry Coordinator, and Engineering Transfer Program Director, Madison Area Technical College

Lab/ Center/ Institute affiliation:

BioInspired Institute

Areas of Expertise:

  • Chemical Engineering Education
  • Faculty and Student Professional Development
  • Best Practices in Engineering Education

Honors and Awards:

  • AIChE Student Chapter Advisor Honor Roll, 2015-2021
  • 2015 Teaching Recognition Award from the Syracuse University Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professorship Program
  • 2015 Syracuse University Chancellor’s Awards for Public Engagement and Scholarship: Inspiration Award
  • 2014 Syracuse University College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean’s Award for Excellence in Engineering Education
  • 2014 Technology Alliance of Central New York (TACNY) College Technology Educator of the Year

Selected Publications:

  • Velegol, S.B., Cadwell, K.D., Bayles, T.M., Bullard, L.G., Hillsley, M.V. “Baseline Data on CHE Teaching Focused Faculty in the US.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2024 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2024.
  • Blum, M.M., Cadwell, K.D., Hasenwinkel, J.M. “A Model for a Faculty Development Course Redesign Summer Working Group.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2020 Virtual Annual Conference and Exposition, 2020.
  • Stokes-Cawley, C. and Cadwell, K.D. “Project ENGAGE: A Summer Immersion Experience in Engineering for Middle School Girls.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education St. Lawrence Section Regional Conference, Syracuse, NY, 2015. Reprinted in Transactions on Techniques in STEM Education, 2016, 1(2): 20-29.
  • Blum, M.M, Cadwell, K.D., Hasenwinkel, J.M. “A mechanics of materials outreach activity: Reconstructing the human body – biomaterials and biomimicry.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015.
  • Walz, K.A., Britton, S., Crain, J., Cadwell, K., Hoffman, A., Morschauser, P. “Biodiesel synthesis, viscosity, and quality control for an introductory chemistry lab.” The Chemical Educator, 2014, 19: 342-346.

Michelle M. Blum


  • May 2012 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
  • Jan. 2011 M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
  • May 2007 B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
  • May 2007 B.S., Physics, University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY

Areas of Expertise:

  • Engineering Education
  • Inquiry Based Learning Methods
  • Mechanical Characterization of Materials
  • Tribology & Lubrication

Dr. Blum is interested in research in improving undergraduate engineering education, including development of inquiry-based activities for first year engineering courses, improvement of student design projects, hands-on activities, professional skills development and inclusion and outreach activities. Her expertise includes developing inquiry-based educational materials that enables students to learn by actively engaging with course content, as well as creating streamlined materials for instructors. Dr. Blum also specializes in high performance materials development and characterization for tribological (friction and wear), structural, and biomedical applications.

Honors and Awards:

  • 2016 Syracuse University Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professorship Teaching Award
  • 2017 TACNY College Educator of the Year
  • 2017 SU Dean’s Award for Excellence in Engineering Education
  • 2018 The Filtertech, Pi Tau Sigma, and Sigma Gamma Tau Award for Excellence in Education in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
  • 2022 Award for Outstanding Assessment, Mechanical Engineering B.S. program, One University Assessment Awards.

Selected Publications:

  • Michelle M. Blum, An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Engineering, Published by Springer, 2022.
  • Dawn R. Johnson, Michelle M. Blum, Katharine E. Lewis, and Sharon W. Alestalo, Chapter Nineteen: Intersectionality as Praxis for Equity in STEM: A WiSE Women of Color Program, in Intersectionality & Higher Education: Theory, Research and Praxis, Second Edition, Published by Peter Lang, 2019.
  • K. Cadwell, M.M. Blum, C. Stokes-Cawley, J.M. Hasenwinkel, A Gateway Course Redesign Working Group Model, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2018 Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Blum M.M., Dannenhoffer, J.F., 2017, Integrated Use of Programing in Machine Design Course, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2017 Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH.
  • Blum, M.M, Cadwell, K.D., Hasenwinkel, J.M., 2015. A mechanics of materials outreach activity: Reconstructing the human body – biomaterials and biomimicry. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.
  • Synthesis and Characterization of Zwitterionic Polymer Brush Functionalized Hydrogels with Ionic Responsive Coefficient of Friction. Allen O. Osaheni, Ariel Ash-Shakoor, Ivan Gitsov, Patrick T. Mather, and Michelle M. Blum, Langmuir 2020 36 (14), 3932-3940
  • Mechanics and Tribology of a Zwitterionic Polymer Blend: Impact of Molecular Weight, A.O. Osaheni, P.T. Mather, M.M. Blum, Materials Science & Engineering C (2020) (In press https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2020.110736
  • The Use of a Hydrogel Implant in the Repair of Osteochondral Defects of the Knee: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Restoration of Native Contact Pressures in Cadaver Knee, R. Sismondo, F. Werner, N. Ordway, A.O. Osaheni, M.M Blum, . Scuderi, Clinical Biomechanics (2018) (in Press: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2019.04.016
  • Osaheni A.O., Finkelstein, E.B., Mather P.T., Blum M.M., Synthesis and Characterization of a Zwitterionic Hydrogel Blend with Low Coefficient of Friction. Acta Biomaterialia Volume 46, December 2016, Pages 245–255.

Jackie Anderson


  • Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology

Lab/Center Affiliation:

  • Syracuse University Industrial Assessment Center IAC (syr.edu)

Teaching interests:

  • Engineering Management
  • Thermo/Fluids

Ben Akih-Kumgeh


  • Ph.D., McGill University

Lab/Center Affiliation:

  • Center of Excellence

Research Interests:

  • Combustion physics and chemistry (chemical kinetics, ignition, flame propagation, extinction, and pollutant formation, turbulent combustion)
  • Applied combustion in gas turbines, internal combustion engines and process burners
  • Fuel technology (formulation, additives and characterization)
  • Thermodynamic analysis of energy systems

Current Research:

Our research interests are in the area of energy conversion, with a special focus on Combustion Physics and Chemistry. Our work is a combination of experiments, combustion theory, and simulations. We determine combustion properties and pollutant formation trends, contribute to detailed and reduced chemical kinetic model development, and use computational fluid dynamics to study turbulence-chemistry interactions in combustion processes.

The ultimate goal is to develop tools for the analysis and design of advanced combustion devices such as gas turbines, internal combustion engines and industrial furnaces. We are also actively involved unravelling the physics of laser-induced initiation of burning processes; an approach that is promising as an alternative reliable ignition source for fuel-flexible engines. Other areas of research include thermodynamic analysis of energy systems and characterization of fuel blends.

Courses Taught:

  • Thermodynamics
  • Advanced thermodynamics
  • Propulsion
  • Combustion phenomena in engineering
  • Selected topics in combustion turbines and internal combustion engines


  • 2014 FilterTech, Pi Tau Sigma, and Sigma Gamma Tau faculty award for Excellence in Engineering Education
  • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canada, 2012-2014, declined in favor of faculty position at Syracuse University
  • MITACS/CRIAQ/NSERC internships for doctoral & postdoctoral scholars, held at Rolls-Royce Canada, 2010-2011
  • FQRNT doctoral fellowship in energy research (Provincial fellowship, Quebec, Canada), 2009-2010
  • Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid-of research, 2010

Selected Publications:

Propanol isomers: Investigation of ignition and pyrolysis time Scales (authors: S. Jouzdani, A. Zhou, Akih-Kumgeh), Combustion & Flame, 176:229-244 2016, 2017.

An experimental and chemical kinetic modeling study of dimethylcyclohexane oxidation and pyrolysis (authors: M.A. Eldeeb, S. Jouzdani, Z.Wang, M. Sarathy, Akih-Kumgeh), Energy & Fuels, 30:86488657, 2016.

Toward improved understanding of the physical meaning of entropy in classical thermodynamic (author: Akih-Kumgeh), Entropy, 18:270(16 pages), 2016.

Unsteady RANS and Scale Adaptive Simulations of Turbulent Spray Flames in a Swirled-Stabilized Gas Turbine Model Combustor using Tabulated Chemistry (authors: A. Fossi, A. deChamplain, and Akih-Kumgeh), Int. J. Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 25:1064–1088, 2015.

Comparative Analysis of Chemical Kinetic Models Using the Alternate Species Elimination Approach (authors: N.D. Peters, Akih-Kumgeh, J.M. Bergthorson), J. Eng. Gas Turbines & Power, 137:021505-1–021505-9, 2014.

Julie M. Hasenwinkel


  • PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University
  • MS, Bioengineering, Clemson University
  • BSE, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University

Lab/Center Affiliation(s):

  • BioInspired Institute

Areas of Expertise:

  • Faculty development in teaching and learning
  • Engineering education and active learning pedagogies
  • Student success initiatives
  • Orthopedic Biomaterials
  • Biomaterials for Nerve Regeneration

My research originally focused on translational polymeric biomaterials for orthopedics and nerve regeneration applications.  We worked on the design, synthesis, characterization, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of acrylic bone cements, nanoparticle drug delivery systems to treat spinal cord injury, and micropatterned and mechanically-active hydrogels.  We also developed new techniques for studying spinal cord injury in vivo and in vitro.  Since 2012, my research program has gradually transitioned to a focus on engineering education, faculty development, and student success.  I have studied the impact of faculty-student interactions and peer interactions on student persistence towards a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and Computer Science.  Specifically, I investigate the link between faculty development in innovative pedagogy and advising practices, with implementation in Engineering and Computer Science courses and academic advising, and subsequent effects on student attitudes towards persistence and retention rates. I have also developed several cohort-based scholarship programs to support student success.

Honors and Awards:

  • Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence 2022
  • Faculty Excellence Award, College of Engineering and Computer Science 2013
  • Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering (ELATE) Fellow 2013-2014
  • Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Translational Research Award, Phases I & II 2007-11
  • Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Syracuse University 2006-07
  • Teaching Recognition Award, Syracuse University 2004
  • James D. Watson Investigator Award, New York State Office of Science, Technology, and Academic Research (NYSTAR) 2003

Select Publications:

  • A.Y. Au, J.M. Hasenwinkel, and C.G. Frondoza, “Hepatocytes cultured on collagen modified micropatterned agarose for evaluating inflammatory and oxidative stress responses,” Applied In Vitro Toxicity, 7(1): 4-13, 2021.  https://doi.org/10.1089/aivt.2020.0015
  • P. Kunwar, A. Jannini, Z. Xiong, M.J. Ransbottom, J.S. Perkins, J.H. Henderson, J.M. Hasenwinkel, and P. Soman, “High-resolution 3D printing of stretchable hydrogel strutures using optical projection lithography,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(1):1640-1649, 2020.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b19431
  • S. Fillioe, K. Bishop, A. Jannini, J. Kim, R. McDonough, S. Ortiz, J. Goodisman, J.M. Hasenwinkel, C. Peterson, and J. Chaiken, “In vivo, noncontact, real-time, PF[O]H imaging of the immediate local physiological response to spinal cord injury in a rat model,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25(3), 2019. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.25.3.032007
  • M.J. Wiegand, K. Faraci, B.E. Reed, and J.M. Hasenwinkel, “Enhancing mechanical properties of an injectable two-solution acrylic bone cement using a difunctional crosslinker,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 107B:783-790, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.34172

J. Cole Smith


  • PhD, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2000
  • BS, Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, 1996

Areas of Expertise:

  • Integer programming and combinatorial optimization
  • Network flows and facility location
  • Computational optimization methods
  • Large-scale optimization due to uncertainty or robustness considerations

My research interests lie in the field of mathematical optimization, especially in mixed-integer programming and combinatorial optimization. Much of my research has recently focused on network interdiction and fortification, along with bilevel mixed-integer optimization problems. I am particularly interested in interdiction problems that involve uncertain data, and/or in which there is an asymmetry of information among the players. My research has applications in areas including logistics, national security, healthcare, production, ecology, and sports. This research has recently appeared in journals such as Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, IISE Transactions, Networks, and INFORMS Journal on Computing, and has been supported by agencies including the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.


  • 2023 Fellow, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
  • 2019 Member, Academy of Distinguished Alumni for the Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech
  • 2018 Fellow, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
  • 2014 Glover-Klingman Prize for Best Paper in Networks (Sullivan and Smith, 2014)
  • 2010 Hamed K. Eldin Outstanding Young Industrial Engineer in Education Award

Selected Publications:

* Nguyen, D., Song, Y., and Smith, J.C., “A Two-Stage Interdiction-Monitoring Game,” 81(3), 334-358, Networks, 2023.

*Bochkarev, A.A., and Smith, J.C., “On Aligning Non-order-associated Binary Decision Diagrams,” 35(5), 910-928, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2023.

*Curry, R.M. and Smith, J.C., “Minimum-cost Flow Problems Having Arc-activation Costs,” Naval Research Logistics, 69(2), 320-335, 2022.

* Lozano, L. and Smith, J.C., “A Binary Decision Diagram Based Algorithm for Solving a Class of Integer Two-Stage Stochastic Programs,” Mathematical Programming, 191(1), 381-404, 2022.

* Nguyen, D. and Smith, J.C., “Network Interdiction with Asymmetric Cost Uncertainty,” European Journal of Operational Research, 297(1), 239-251, 2022.

* Holzmann, T. and Smith, J.C., “The Shortest Path Interdiction Problem with Randomized Interdiction Strategies: Complexity and Algorithms,” Operations Research, 69(1), 82-99, 2021.