Bill Halpin

Bill Halpin ’88, G’95, G‘05

Principal Engineer-Director, Google

Bill Halpin leads the Gmail engineering team at Google where he is a Principal Engineer and Director.

Bill joined Google in 2010. For more than a decade he led engineering for mobile web advertising. Prior to Google, Bill worked at Synopsys as a principal engineer. Bill has also held positions at Synplicity, Intel, IBM, and GE. From 1987 to 1994, he was the vice president of IQE, Inc., a company that he founded as a student at Syracuse University. Bill is the author of 50 patents, numerous conference papers and co-authored a book on algorithms for designing and implementing computer chips.

Bill graduated from Syracuse University in 1988 with his BS in computer engineering (ECS) and BA in economics (A&S/Maxwell). He subsequently earned his  MS (1995) and a PhD (2005) in computer engineering. As a sophomore, Bill was elected as the undergraduate Student Government Comptroller and was responsible for allocating SU’s student activity fees.

Bill was the Engineering and Computer Science Convocation Speaker in 2013. He gave the 2011 Newhouse’s Eric Mower Advertising Forum lecture on the nascent mobile advertising industry. Bill is currently a member of the Dean’s Leadership Council for Engineering and Computer Science and the San Francisco Regional Council. Bill has served as a host for the ECS Silicon Valley Immersion program and the Syracuse University Mentors. He was previously a member of the SU’s National Alumni Board. 

Bill’s favorite Syracuse memories include Dr. Dan Pease’s operating systems class and Shantanu Ganguly’s microprocessor lab.