Where Grads Go

On average, 91% of our graduates are employed full-time with an average starting salary of $71K, landing jobs with multinational corporations, national research labs, and startups. They may also enroll in graduate school by graduation or within a few months of graduation, earning admission to master’s and doctoral programs at some of the nation’s finest colleges and universities.

The Career Services Office provides many important resources for students such as an assigned ECS Career Advisor who will follow the student through their four-year career to graduation. Career Advisors meet 1-on-1 with students to discuss their resumes and cover letters, the application process for internships, co-ops, and jobs, making connections with alumni and employers for mentoring and networking, and preparing for career fairs and other meetings with employers.

Our college also hosts an Engineering and Computer Science Career Fair every semester and up to 100 employers attend this fair seeking interns, co-ops, and full-time employees at their companies. Our students often secure positions all over the country, earning good wages that often cover housing expenses. These opportunities are strongly encouraged as they often lead to future job opportunities with those companies.