We are excited to welcome prospective students and their families to visit Syracuse University!

Weekday Campus Visits

We offer Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) info sessions and lab tours on most weekdays. See the registration calendar to register for your campus visit. Please select an Engineering and Computer Science info session when you register for your campus visit. For most weekdays, you can choose one of the following options when you register online.

Campus Visit (Includes admissions info session + campus tour)

9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m.

Meet at the Office of Admissions, 401 University Place

Engineering and Computer Science Info Session

11:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m.

Meet at Room 133 Link Hall (accessible from the Link Hall Hub/Lobby)

Please be sure to register online (link above) to ensure the availability of an Engineering and Computer Science info session for the date of your visit.

For questions about our undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science programs or the undergraduate application and admissions process, please contact Jonathan J. Hoster at jjhoster@syr.edu.

You may also see the “Virtual Events” section for opportunities to join us for a virtual session to learn about our undergraduate programs.

In addition, you may schedule a Zoom video chat with Jonathan Hoster, Associate Director for Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment, for a weekday and time of your choosing via this link: 
