ECS 101 – Introduction to Engineering and Computer Science(3 credits) Engineering and Computer Science gateway course. Topics include discussion of each discipline within the college, technical communication, presentation of technical results, professional behavior, ethics, computers and software packages, problem solving and modeling, data analysis. Major-specific sections.
CIS 151 – Principles and practice of programming (3 credits) Computing fundamentals: variables, types, scope, objects, classes, functions, parameter passing, input/output, conditionals, and iteration. Defensive programming techniques, including exceptions. Program testing and debugging. Includes programming laboratory. Only for Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students.
ECS 114/115 – Academic Excellence Workshop for Calculus courses (1 credit) Designed to supplement the theory taught in Pre-calculus – calculus III courses. Problems Will incorporate course work. The computational component is designed to reinforce the understanding of concepts through a series of repetitive exercises.
CHE 106/107 – General Chemistry Lecture (with Lab) (4 credits) Fundamental principles and laws underlying chemical action, states of matter, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, and introductory thermodynamics. Descriptive chemistry in relation to theoretical principles. (All Engineering majors)
MAT 193 – Algebra-Infused Precalculus (4 credits) Polynomial, rational, exponential, and Logarithmic functions. Analytical trigonometry and trigonometric functions. Emphasis on algebra throughout the course. A student cannot receive credit for MAT 193 after receiving a grade of C or better in any calculus course. Credit cannot be given for both MAT 193 and MAT 194.
MAT 194 – Precalculus (4 credits) Polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Analytical trigonometry and trigonometric functions.
MAT 295 – Calculus I (4 credits) Analytic geometry, limits, derivatives, maxima-minima, related rates, graphs, differentials, exponential and logarithmic functions, mean-value theorem, integration.
MAT 296 – Calculus II (4 credits) Integration: the definite integral and applications, Trigonometric functions, methods of integration, improper integrals, L’Hospital’s rule, infinite series, elementary differential equations, parametric equations, polar coordinates.
FYS 101 – First Year Seminar (1 credits) Students will explore the areas of Belonging, Interdependence, Health and Wellness, Development of Identity, Socialization, Prejudice, Discrimination, Bias, Stereotypes both within their FYS 101 section, in Syracuse University sponsored experiential activities, and in School/College level sponsored experiential activities.