Maximillian Wilderman ’22 was the 2022 Recipient of the ECS Alumni Association Service Award.
Incline Village, NV
BMCE/ECS/other activities you have been involved with:
I’ve been involved with research in Dr. Soman’s lab, Engineering Ambassadors (current Program Coordinator), Biomedical Engineering Society, SUVO (current Vice President), and Excelerators.
Favorite thing about BMCE:
My favorite thing about BMCE is how accessible the department engages undergraduate students in research. I have gained so many out of class skills through research and have learned so much from my mentors.
Favorite thing about SU:
I would say the number of opportunities the university has to offer for its students. Ever since I stepped onto this campus, I wanted to take up every opportunity I could get and have learned something about myself after each one.
Plan after graduation:
After graduation, I will be returning to Syracuse for my masters in Bioengineering.