Biomedical Engineering student Lindy Melegari ’22 was named as a Syracuse University Scholar and received the Karen Hiiemae Outstanding Achievement Award.
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
BMCE/ECS/other activities you have been involved with:
Doyle Research Lab
Manlius Fire Department EMT
Server at Texas Roadhouse
Crisis Textline Volunteer
First Year Players
The Mandarins
Phi Delta Epsilon
Favorite thing about BMCE:
The staff has been one of the most incredible things about the BMCE department. I always felt so comfortable going to any of my professors for help, and they were always my biggest supporters if any of my endeavors.
Favorite thing about SU:
I have had the opportunity to take a multitude of diverse and interesting classes that I never in a million year would have thought I could have connected to my career. SU has enabled me to look at my professional endeavors with an open mind.
Plan after graduation:
I will be doing research in the Yale University School of Medicine in their Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.