Zhuoqi Tong is the 2022 Recipient of the Louis N. DeMartini Award for Outstanding Research.
Xuzhou, China
BMCE/ECS/other activities you have been involved with:
I have been an Academic Excellence Workshop Facilitator and the president of the BMES Chapter at SU. I’m also in the Math Club as well as serving as a student panelist on the Academic Integrity hearing panels. I also play bassoon in the Syracuse University Symphony Orchestra.
Favorite thing about BMCE:
My favorite thing about BMCE is all of the support I’ve received from faculty and friends in the department.
Favorite thing about SU:
My favorite thing about SU is the vast range of opportunities that exist to enrich my academics.
Plan after graduation:
I will pursue my PhD in Biomedical Engineering at The Georgia Institute of Technology, likely specializing in the subfield of immunoengineering.