Xuyang Qin was a 2022 Recipient of the All University Masters Prize.
Shijiazhuang, China
BMCE/ECS/other activities you have been involved with:
Research in Professor Nangia’s group; the quick presentation and poster session for the Stevenson Biomaterials Day of 2021
Favorite thing about BMCE:
I love all the faculty and staff who are of great patience and kindness. Collaborations and bonds of friendship are tight in our research team.
Favorite thing about SU:
The view on the campus is always great, whenever from summer to winter. Facilities are well-established, not only for meals, snacks, clinics and exercises, whatever you need can be found and solved on campus. Really feel great to have so many precious memories in my study at SU.
Plan after graduation:
I’m going to pursue my Ph.D. in SU and continue my journey on research.