Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Department Chair Julie Hasenwinkel has been named as a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence. The title is in recognition of Hasenwinkel’s outstanding achievements as a teacher at Syracuse University. Hasenwinkel will hold the title for three years.
Meredith Professors have the opportunity to make important teaching contributions at Syracuse University and a chance to advance their own scholarship. The award includes funds for Hasenwinkel to use toward professional development and to provide benefits to her academic unit. The Meredith Professors are enrolled for life in the Meredith Symposium as a signal honor and to provide a permanent forum for the discussion of teaching and learning.
“Her appointment as a Meredith Professor is a tremendous honor, especially as it comes in the context of her role as a scholar and leader at Syracuse University. Our biomedical and chemical engineering students truly benefit from her instructional innovations, research, and leadership, and she is eminently deserving of this award,” said J. Cole Smith, Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science.