Igniting Innovations in Medicine, Healthcare, Renewable Energy, and Sustainable Engineering

The biomedical and chemical engineering department offers a vibrant and collaborative learning environment that emphasizes discovery to ignite innovations in medicine, healthcare, renewable energy, and sustainable engineering. The development of effective solutions to problems of critical national and global importance in these areas lies in the interfaces between different disciplines of science and engineering. Our faculty have always valued and fostered a collegial culture of collaboration.

As our college is on the verge of transformation, our department continues to be a major driving force behind key growth initiatives such as smart materials for healthcare, drug discovery and delivery, understanding development and disease, and advanced materials for renewable energy and sustainability. Our faculty are cutting-edge scholars and teachers garnering national and international recognition for their work. We also have synergistic partnerships with other schools and colleges within the University, such as the Bioinspired Institute, Upstate Medical University, the Syracuse VA Medical Center, the Syracuse Center for Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and the Burton Blatt Institute for disability research.

Our future efforts will be guided by an unwavering commitment to providing an outstanding student experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels. We place a strong emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students, faculty, and staff. Our department has 18 full-time faculty members, research and adjunct faculty, and over 220 undergraduate and 100 graduate students. Learn more about our faculty’s passions in research, education, promoting diversity, and many transformative research projects.

Portrait of Shikha Nangia

Shikha Nangia, Ph.D
Interim Department Chair