The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) is concerned with the two areas of activity implied by its name. Mechanical engineering, one of the major disciplines within the engineering profession, deals with thermal and mechanical energy and its transformation and application for the public good. Virtually every aspect of human existence is influenced by modern mechanical engineering. In contemporary society mechanical engineers design and build medical devices, home appliances, transportation systems, industrial machinery, aircraft and rockets. Mechanical engineers are involved with power generation, computer design and with cleaning and maintaining a healthy environment. The degree program in Aerospace Engineering is closely allied with Mechanical Engineering and focuses on aeronautical and space system applications including aircraft and spacecraft for civilian and military use.
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Syracuse University is one of four departments within the College of Engineering and Computer Science. We offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. We also offer interdisciplinary M.S. degrees in Engineering Management (equivalent but separate on-campus and online programs). The MAE faculty members that support these programs are actively engaged in graduate and undergraduate education and research. Many enjoy national and international reputations for scholarship and for teaching excellence. I encourage you to visit our faculty directory as well as individual faculty web pages to learn more about this outstanding group of individuals.
Both of our undergraduate degree programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. Our innovative curricula combine a strong technical program in mechanical or aerospace engineering with options for completing a technical or non-technical minor in one of over 70 disciplines. Many of our undergraduates are involved in collegiate athletics, the Co-op Program, the SU Study Abroad Program or the Honor’s Program.
Our department provides numerous opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in research with faculty members. These activities, which may be externally or internally funded or unfunded, often lead to conference or journal publication. Many of our students win regional and national competitions for their work. Graduates of the Syracuse MAE department are employed by the top industry and governmental agencies in the nation including NASA, U.S. Air Force, Boeing, Pratt and Whitney, Lockheed Martin, Westinghouse, Carrier, and Kodak to name a few. Our graduates also fill the ranks of the most prestigious Master’s and Doctoral degree granting institutions on the globe.
At the master’s level, studies in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offer students a broad and flexible curriculum which can be completed in one year (two academic semesters plus a summer semester). Qualified students often receive partial scholarships to help defray the costs of tuition. The program leading to the doctoral degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offers advanced students the opportunity to engage in cutting edge research with faculty in a number of areas within the disciplines of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Students work closely with a faculty mentor to plan and carry out an individualized and significant research program. Highly qualified doctoral students are supported by either externally funded Research Assistantships or through Departmental Teaching Assistantships or University Fellowships.
We welcome you to explore our Department and learn more about the many opportunities available to you.
Best Wishes,

Young Moon
William J. Smith Professor in Manufacturing Enterprises
Department Chair